Panama Premium Boquete – Mama Cata Estate – Mokka Natural

This Mokka has the best story and rating out of all the “super premium”  Panamas we sourced this year. A Panama Mokka, a true Mokka strain coffee. The Best Of Panama competition did a decent writeup on the sister chop to these beans which ended up going for $142.50/lb! Boy are we glad we bought this lot well before the auction, what a gem.

From light to dark you are in for a tasty treat. This cup is filled with unique floral and fruit tones throughout the roast levels that balance with a wonderfully spicy chocolaty undertone. A very clean coffee, a bit higher acidity especially at the lighter roast points. Although this is one heck of a tasty treat for most, if you do not like fruitier, sweet and floral coffees, this might not be for you.  We found medium to border line dark roasts to have a sugary sweetness comingling with layers of soft fruit  and a dryer complex semi-smoky chocolaty spice, layers and layers of goodness. If it were not for the price, easily a cup we would drink everyday….


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Very seldom do we see coffees this special but boy, what a price tag to follow. All in all, there are worse ways to spend your money than on a super unique crazy high rated pound of coffee. Here at Burman Coffee, we are always looking for a deal, even on coffees this special. This Mokka has the best story and rating out of all the “super premium”  Panamas we sourced this year. A Panama Mokka, a true Mokka strain coffee. The Best Of Panama competition did a decent writeup on the sister chop to these beans which ended up going for $142.50/lb! Boy are we glad we bought this lot well before the auction, what a gem.

Mama Cata is a very top notch award winning farm that very seldom makes it to the US. Located in some of the best growing territory in Panama, Jose’s highest elevation and most renowned farm (he owns Garrido Estate as well as some other smaller fields).  Some of the biggest names in Panama coffee are also located in this prime territory, Hacienda Esmeralda, Elida Estate and La Jones are all his neighbors.  Since his coffee is mostly obtained by foreign markets, many in the US have not heard the name Mama Cata before unless they are watching the coffee competitions.

Founded in 1911, one of the original premium Panama farms, currently owned by Jose David Garrido Perez (who also owns Garrido, and just happens to be decent friends with our Panamanian farmer buddy, Keith Pech).  Jose had 3 of his coffees place in the Best of Panama, including a chop of his Panama Mokka which went for $142/lb! This farm knows how to grow/process some of the world’s best coffee.

Tasting Notes: From light to dark you are in for a tasty treat. This cup is filled with unique floral and fruit tones throughout the roast levels that balance with a wonderfully spicy chocolaty undertone. A very clean coffee, a bit higher acidity especially at the lighter roast points. Although this is one heck of a tasty treat for most, if you do not like fruitier, sweet and floral coffees, this might not be for you.  We found medium to border line dark roasts to have a sugary sweetness comingling with layers of soft fruit  and a dryer complex semi-smoky chocolaty spice, layers and layers of goodness. If it were not for the price, easily a cup we would drink everyday. Lighter roasts are way fun as well, pretty high acidity, not as chug-able but very easy to appreciate and enjoy. Lemongrass, tons of floral and fruity layers from more tropical fruit to that classic slow dry more strawberry note. As one pushes from a light roast to more of a medium there seems to be a sweet spot to pull that classic Yemen almost banana taste. There are some very cool spice notes in the cup but a bit easy to get covered by other tones. Roasting into 2nd crack with these beans is not recommended for the cup will get much less exotic, still tasty but one can find much cheaper coffees that will taste similar. 

Roasting Notes: Pretty easy to roast for a full natural but you definitely want to avoid extreme light/dark roasts. This is a true Mokka coffee, which usually means pretty small beans and high chaff but this is not your “average” lot. Compared to Yemen Mokka or the Hawaiian Maui Mokka, these are very large beans. Will not cause any issues in any roaster. You will notice the beans are much rounder and plumper, a trait of the Mokka strain. They look almost the exact opposite of the elongated skinnier Geisha beans. Higher chaff coffee, almost every slow dry natural will have high chaff, I almost think the fancier the bean, the more chaff they have. Roasting this one is not a race, especially since this is a higher acidity coffee, slowing down the roast and shooting on the lighter side can help not overpower the cup with raw acidity. Setup will decent change the cup and pop out a lot of different flavors from day to day, we couldn’t help but to drink it after 12 hours forward and appreciated it along its whole setup curve.

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Weight 1.0 lbs
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