
Burundi Premium Mutsinda Station Microlot #2

Regular Price $6.49/Lb
A good clean and rich Burundi coffee. A bit of acidity upfront with a little soft fruit tone balanced with a sweet nutty/chocolaty tone that can be more toffee like at a lucky roast. A good little hint of a spice note and herbal tones in the aftertaste letting you know its an African. Smooth and a bit sweet at a medium roast, much heftier into the darker roast, turning it into a strong and fuller bodied cup. A great African cup and not too acidic, one almost everyone will like.

Original price was: $6.49.Current price is: $5.10.

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$6.49/lb $5.10/lb

1 lb

$6.49/lb $5.10/lb


$6.49/lb $5.10/lb


$6.49/lb $5.10/lb


$6.49/lb $5.10/lb

60+ lbs


Mutsinda Washing Station is located in the province of Kayanza. Farmers here own less than half a hectare of land, on average, and in addition to growing coffee, they also grow crops like bananas, beans, yams, taro, and cassava, both for sale and for household use.

Due to the small size and yield on the average coffee farm or plot, washing stations are the primary point of purchase for us in Burundi. Unlike other coffee-growing regions in Central and South America where landholdings are slightly larger and coffee-centric resources are more available, most producers do not have space on their property or the financial means to do their wet- or dry-milling. Instead, the majority of growers deliver cherry to a facility that does sorting, blending, and post-harvest processing of day lots to create different offerings.

Tasting Notes: A good clean and rich Burundi coffee. A bit of acidity upfront with a little soft fruit tone balanced with a sweet nutty/chocolaty tone that can be more toffee like at a lucky roast. A good little hint of a spice note and herbal tones in the aftertaste letting you know its an African. Smooth and a bit sweet at a medium roast, much heftier into the darker roast, turning it into a strong and fuller bodied cup. A great African cup and not too acidic, one almost everyone will like.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, would avoid real light roasts for it will come off pretty sharp and can be a little grassy. Medium roasts were wonderful but not super strong, delicate smooth cup. Darker roasts are where this cup shined, great African tones with a strong bakers chocolate note.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs

Kayanza Province

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