Kenya Kericho Kichawir AA

Super clean and way more delicate than most Kenyans. Very sweet upfront with some definite acidity poking out. It is not the highest acidity Kenya on the block but contains enough to be pretty citrus/floral at the lighter roast points. As long as you don’t cinnamon roast this coffee, the acidity leaves a little soft fruit tone on the tongue. All those acidic notes balance with a caramel/chocolate note that is clean as can be. Almost no traditional herbal spice note like so many of its African cousins.


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1 lb








60+ lbs


A very cool super fresh and clean Kenya AA top lot!

Coming from the Kericho county area in Kenya, a smaller lesser known area. Like most Kenyans, they are auctioned off by taste and only have regional/mill info associated with them.

Many think Kenya coffees to be some of the best in the world – complex as can be with higher acidity than most (gives awesome flavor depth if roasted properly). Kenya is one of the rare producers where everything is based on taste, although bean size does command a premium – they purposly surpress traceability to get rid of the good ol’ boys club and allow any farmer who grows excellant coffee to get more money for it.

Tasting Notes: Super clean and way more delicate than most Kenyans. Very sweet upfront with some definite acidity poking out. It is not the highest acidity Kenya on the block but contains enough to be pretty citrus/floral at the lighter roast points. As long as you don’t cinnamon roast this coffee, the acidity leaves a little soft fruit tone on the tongue. All those acidic notes balance with a caramel/chocolate note that is clean as can be. Almost no traditional herbal spice note like so many of its African cousins.

Roasting Notes: A very fun one to play with – a big Kenya fan is going to want to stick on the lighter side of roasting but the cup is pretty spectacular anywhere before 2nd crack. Dark roasts are tasty but not recommended, its burns out a lot of what seperates this cup from the average premium Kenya. If you only sorta like acidity in the cup, make sure to roast it closer to 2nd crack then first. Medium acidity at the city roast level, low acidity close to 2nd crack.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 lbs
Arrival Date:


Lot #:



Kericho County

Processing Method:



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