Chinese/Sri Lankan “Toasty Apple Tart” BCT Blend

Pekoe and Lapsang Souchong black teas, apple, hibiscus, rose hips, orange peel, pine smoke and vanilla natural flavorings.

This unique blend combines malty Sri Lankan Pekoe with smoky Chinese Lapsang Souchong and a variety of sweet zesty fruits and spices, producing lovely apple pie aromas and a charming pink liquor.

Steeping Time: 2-3 minutes

Water Temp: 212 F



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16+ oz


Warming up with a steaming mug of Toasty Apple Tart, you may find yourself drifting back to memories of grandma’s kitchen, gleefully savoring home-baked goodies around the wood stove.  This unique blend combines malty Sri Lankan Pekoe with smoky Chinese Lapsang Souchong and a variety of sweet zesty fruits and spices, producing lovely apple pie aromas and a charming pink liquor.

Lapsang Souchong is famous for its silky body, and when combined with fruit and floral elements it produces a highly stimulating mouth-feel and a cornucopia of flavors and aromas all over the tongue.  The first and most obvious descriptors for this blend are “sweet” and “tart” – but the rich and surprisingly wide-ranging flavor profile also includes subtle floral notes, a prominent malty element, a moderate astringency hidden under the sweetness, and a light smokiness that warms and slightly softens the more robust tones.

Because of the diverse ingredients, there are several different scrumptious flavor profiles that can be achieved, depending on your preference.  At a quicker steep, subtly floral vanilla is not yet overpowered by smoky and malty notes.  At a longer steep, hibiscus and orange peel turn the cup a brighter red and begin to dominate with strong syrupy sour tones.

Perfect for a gentle evening pick-me-up, the fruits and spices bulking up this blend mean that there is relatively less tea in it, and consequently less caffeine, making it a very mild feel-good cup.

Please Note: Teas in this blend have some strong bitter/astringent notes when steeped too much.  Therefore we recommend using 1.5 grams (or about ¾ teaspoon) of tea for every 6 ounces of water and steeping for 3 minutes or less.

Steeping Time: 2-3 minutes

Water Temp: 212 F

Pekoe and Lapsang Souchong black teas, apple, hibiscus, rose hips, orange peel, pine smoke and vanilla natural flavorings.

Additional information

Weight .06 lbs

China, Sri Lanka


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