Chinese Pu-Erh Tuo Cha Pressed Tea Cakes

(1 customer review)

Fermented exceptional quality tippy black tea compressed into cakes.

This fermented tea is unlike anything else we carry. Pu-Erh teas contain complex cooperative molds and bacteria that transform the leaves with age, lifting out incredible flavors and unlocking curative qualities. They are revered for their medicinal benefits, cutting cholesterol, aiding digestion, warming the body, dispelling the effects of alcohol, and refreshing the mind.

Steeping Time – 30 seconds to 3 minutes

Water Temp – 212 F


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This fermented tea is unlike anything else we carry. Pu-Erh teas contain complex cooperative molds and bacteria that transform the leaves with age, lifting out incredible flavors and unlocking curative qualities.  They are revered for their medicinal benefits, cutting cholesterol, aiding digestion, warming the body, dispelling the effects of alcohol, and refreshing the mind.

This is the traditional way pu-erh was processed, compressed into approximately 5 gram tea cakes for easy transport and longer storage. Pu-erh in this form stays fresh much longer than loose leaf teas, giving it the nickname “drinkable antique”.

We tried this tea, 1 cake steeped for 2 and a half minutes and found it sweet, earthy and creamy with hints of mushroom and a little smoke and spice. A second steep smoothed it out even more and accentuates the sweet black tea flavors. An enjoyable cup of tea.

To really unlock the secrets of this mysterious tea, prepare it in the traditional Chinese way – a series of small cups, mindfully sipped and shared with friends. Use ample leaves, about 3 teaspoons per 6 ounces of water (this is enough for 2-3 servings), and steep first for 30 seconds, then an additional 30 seconds for each subsequent re-steeping.

Prepared in this way, the tea is deep dark red, with a dense aroma reminiscent of fertile earth and lush forest, mushroom present at the front with spicy cinnamon and wood tones. It tastes surprisingly sweet and buttery, and clay notes compliment the fungal aroma. With subsequent re-steeping, the sweetness fades and takes some flavors with it – including the powerful mushroom tones – allowing many other complex flavors to blossom. Spicy cedar and pear emerge in the second cup, gradually change to charcoal and port wine, smoky oak, and eventually mellow out into a more familiar malty black tea taste. Enjoy up to 8 distinctly delicious cups as you savor all the interesting flavors.

Steeping Time – 30 seconds to 3 minutes

Water Temp – 212 F

Fermented exceptional quality tippy black tea.

Approximately 5 gram cakes – 1 ounce will be 4 to 6 cakes

Additional information

Weight .06 lbs


1 review for Chinese Pu-Erh Tuo Cha Pressed Tea Cakes

  1. shane smith (verified owner)

    This has a lovely flavor brought out by the fermentation. Honestly my favorite thing to do is steep this with some hops overnight and then CO2 it for a hop tea. Amazing!

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