Guatemalan Premium Huehue. Finca Las Rosas Geisha


Very clean, rich and bright. Geisha coffees are known for their floral, spice and soft fruit tones and that would be a perfect descriptor to this cup. A bit on the lemony floral side, the depth to the bright notes is well above what one would normally see out of the “usual” Guatemalan strains. Great jasmine spice aromatics that can only be compared to other Geisha coffee or something like a stellar Ethiopian washed processed. Especially if you push the medium to strong medium roast mark, you will see a little balance with the more classic malty/winy tones that a Huehue normally brings to the table.

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60+ lbs


Cutting edge fantastic coffee! This is a lot we won from the worlds first block chain coffee auction with a little help from Edwin (Finca Vista Hermosa). Directly connecting Guatemalan coffee farmers with end purchasers. The ultimate solution for the traceability of coffee beans. Although we already had a direct connection to this coffee farmer through our buddy Edwin, we couldn’t help but to support this venture.

Geisha coffee is a unique single strain that has been dominating the coffee competitions and top cups as of late. One just took the place of the worlds most expensive coffee from the recent Best of Panama competition going for over $1000/lb! Common for top grades out of Panama (not that competition winner) usually sell in the $40-$80/lb range. Although tasty, that is too expensive for our list.

Do not worry, this great cup comes at a much smaller price.  With the success of Panamanian Geisha, every other country is readily adopting the strain. Guatemala is apparently having some lovely success and at a way better price.  This is the first Guatemalan Geisha to make the cut of quality versus price, a wonderful and exotic cup.

Tasting Notes: Very clean, rich and bright. Geisha coffees are known for their floral, spice and soft fruit tones and that would be a perfect descriptor to this cup. A bit on the lemony floral side, the depth to the bright notes is well above what one would normally see out of the “usual” Guatemalan strains. Great jasmine spice aromatics that can only be compared to other Geisha coffee or something like a stellar Ethiopian washed processed. Especially if you push the medium to strong medium roast mark, you will see a little balance with the more classic malty/winy tones that a Huehue normally brings to the table.

Roasting Notes: This shines at the lighter roast points. The lemony floral, soft fruit and spice all come together in a very jazzy and semi-acidic cup. A little development past first crack is ideal if you like acidity. If you are like most and want a little more balance in the cup, lean towards a nice medium roast. Will mute up a little acidity without burning out the overly floral and soft fruit notes. One can roast it close to 2nd crack or into and it will still be tasty but those roast points will burn out much of what differentiates this cup.

Finca Las Rosas is in the Villatoro family who has provided many of our top notch Guatemalan offerings over the years. Grown over 5000 feet, this is some high altitude coffee.

“In the year of 1920 my great-grandfather Valentín Villatoro Ventura, started to grow typical coffee and Bourbon. Across four generations the farm has slowly evolved and made its way to me- Rolando Villatoro Villatoro. We are located in the imposing Cuchumatanes mountain range in Huehuetenango at a height of 4,500 to 6,000 MASL- just on the border with Mexico.

Now we are cultivating different varieties like: Typica, Bourbones, caturra, paramaràs, Geisha and red patch, etc. To these coffees we give different milling processes such as: Washed, Honeys and Naturals. We have also participated in several competitions in the years 2005, 2008 and 2017 in the Cup Of Excellence competition. We sincerely hope you like the coffee produced at Finca Las Rosas.” – Rolando Villatoro


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